How To Tell if Your Contact Is Inside Out - Blue Planet Optics
In this article, we discuss several techniques to help you make sure your contacts are in correctly and comfortably.
The Side View Method
You can quickly check your contact lens orientation by examining it from the side. Place the lens on your fingertip and hold it up to eye level. An adequately positioned lens will look like a small cup, with edges pointing straight up. If it resembles a bowl with edges flaring outward, it's inside out. This method becomes easier with practice as you become familiar with the correct shape.
The Taco Test
For a quick answer to "Is my contact lens inside out?" try the famous "taco test." Hold the contact lens between your thumb and index finger, gently squeezing it as if you're folding it in half. If the edges point upward like a hard-shell taco, you've oriented the lens correctly. However, if the edges flare outward toward your fingers, your contact lens is inside.
The 1-2-3 Approach
Some manufacturers have simplified the process by including small laser markings or numbers on the edge of the lens. Place the lens on your fingertip and look for the numbers 1-2-3. If you can read them normally, you've positioned the lens correctly. If the numbers appear backward, flip the lens inside out to see them appear normally again. This method requires good lighting and may take some practice to spot the tiny markings.
Tinted Edges
Certain contact lenses feature tinted edges, usually in blue or green, so place the lens on your fingertip and look down at it from above. The lens is oriented correctly if the edge color appears bright and vibrant. A pale or barely noticeable tint indicates the lens is inside out. This technique is helpful for those who have difficulty with more tactile methods.
The Easy Flip Test
This method relies on the principle that a correctly oriented lens resists being flipped inside out. Hold the lens in your palm and try to invert it with your other hand. If it flips easily, you've likely started with it inside out. If it resists flipping, you've oriented it correctly. While effective, this method requires practice and may only work well with some lens types.
Keep Practicing
Practice these methods, and you can soon insert your contact lenses correctly every time for optimal comfort and vision correction.
If you ever doubt or experience persistent discomfort, consult your eye care professional for further guidance.
Are you curious to learn more about contact lenses and eye care? Explore our extensive collection of articles on the Blue Planet Optics blog for expert tips, the latest insights, and answers to all your lens-related questions!